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help > skills > assume
Skill        :   Assume
Class        :   Sylph
Cost         :   5
Stats Base   :   Quintessence and constitution
Casting time :   1
Difficulty   :   Level 1
Syntax       :   do assume
Examples     :   do assume

The Sylph can at times of need, assume a quasi-normal form of
gathered dust and leaves.  In her more solid form, the Sylph can
actively pick up the hated Solid things.  In her solid form, the
Sylph takes direct damage to her corporeal self, whereas in her
natural state, the Sylph takes damage first to her spiritual
self. While in Solid form, she does gain increased defenses if
she remains in her own zone of controlled weather. While in her
natural state, she may continue to carry about solids already
buoyed by her Solid form.