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help > spells > multibeam
Spell        :   Multibeam
Class        :   Beholder
Cost         :   30
Casting time :   2 rounds
Cooldown     :   5 rounds
Syntax       :   cast multibeam <target>
Examples     :   cast multibeam temudjin

The beholder gigantic central eye also has the ability to cast
powerful magic. However, the beams are highly individual and must
be trained by visiting a special vortex of magic in the Horror

This spell is not moddable.
This spell can not be cast silently.

A beholder initially has 7 points to spend.

A beholder gains 1 additional points at +1, +3, +5, +7, +10.

In order to train your points you must visit the ancient eye in the horror guild.

They are located d, 2e, se, e, sw of the guild guardian.

You may easily review your multi-beam selections with the command "beholderstats".

Rank three cost 6 points (1+2+3).

Damage       : [1/2/3] Will start to deal damage, each step deals more.
                       Rank 1 deal about half as much damage as rank 3.

Reduction    : [1/2/3] will reduce a set of skills by a certain amount.
                       Combat, Awareness and Resistance can not be
                       reduced. Rank three reduce three random skills
                       and the duration is 6 seconds regardless of rank.

Movement     : [1/2/3] Will prevent movement for 1, 2 or 3 seconds.
Type         : [1/2/3] Will make the spell FIRE/WARP/VORPAL based.
Actions      : [  4  ] Will stop targets action.
Time         : [ 1/2 ] Will reduce cast time by 1 round each step.
Antimagic    : [ 1/2 ] Will strip one/all magical effects on the target.
Cost         : [ 1/2 ] Will make the spell cost 15/Free.
Mod          : [  2  ] Will make the spell moddable.
Silent       : [  1  ] Will make the spell silent with qcast without penalty.
Cooldown     : [  1  ] will remove the cooldown.