Change 86
Originally Posted : Thu Oct 11 12:30:32 2001
Posted by : Alexi
Title : sanjiyan redux
sanjiyan have been reduced.
here're the scoop:
- lost 5 int (gained 5 dex)
- can't wear helmets
- slight vuln to psychic and chaos damage
- boosts to a lot of conjuration spells/prayers. that means: summon, and
spells/prayers that call long-term followers (as opposed to short-term
followers, like soul or insects).
this is not a change i make lightly. as many of you know, i've been
debating how best to do this for a long time. the simple matter is that
sanjiyan were -by far- the best race for a huge number of subclasses. they
are easily the most popular race, having almost2x as many members as the
next-nearest race (elf). while i generally prefer to balance things by
increasing, not decreasing, sometimes that's just not a viable option.
before you start screaming about how nerfed you are, consider: sanji are
still extremely good at everything they used to be super-phenomenal at. no
one has a better magic/religion score (except kenku, but almost no one
plays a kenku - they're set for an update soon). sanji may no longer be
easily-the-best, but they're still one of the best.
these changes are not set in stone. sanjiyan will be reduced from what
they were, but i'm open to argument and suggestion as to how. mudmail me.
ps. i'm not going to do a race-reselect. sorry. i considered it, but if
the race is so bad that staying with the race is a horrible option, i'd
rather fix the race.