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Revision as of 18:54, 25 January 2020 by Krule (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Originally Posted : Wed Jun 11 17:19:53 2008<br>Posted by : Razan<br>Title : house taxes<br><br>I've adjusted house taxes. Everything now is more expensive...<br>er, wait......")
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Originally Posted : Wed Jun 11 17:19:53 2008
Posted by : Razan
Title : house taxes

I've adjusted house taxes. Everything now is more expensive...
er, wait... cheaper!

All the taxes were cut in half or more. The guard taxes were
dropped a bit more than that, more like 1/3rd.

I've left the prices of everything alone. I still like the idea
of houses being a prestige thing but I don't like the taxes
being so high. Anyway, enjoy.

- Razan.