Quest Name Enemies Directions to area Notes Newbie Butcher Fungus Cows 5w, 4n, in Smurf Slayer Smurfs all w, 3s, se, n, e, s, follow song, e Free the Trees Animals 5w, 4n, u, w, swing, down and south 13k exp at level 8 Save Our Picnics Ants 5w, 4n, u, e, swing, d into anthill 50k exp at level 8 Goblin Blat Goblins & Curs 7w, 5n, 5w, ne, n, nw (goes with Sally of Kyrse) Clear the Kobold Caves Kobolds & Rats ride tsunami, 8w, n, w, 3n 14k exp at level 8. Chief has shiny gauntlets. Dead Derros Derros all w, 3s, se, 2n, e, n, e 50k exp at level 8 Lemming Mayhem Lemmings 7w, 3n, e, nap, hole, n, ne Timekeeper has int hat, 65k exp or so at level 8 Feed the Gnutteater Gnutts ride tsunami, 9w, 2nw, 2n, nw 85k exp at level 10 Fight for the Gophers! Crows 7w, 5n, all w, sw, s, se, climb 85k exp at level 10 Fight for the Crows! Gophers 7w, 5n, all w, sw, s, se, climb 65k exp at level 9 Ghant Killer Ghants ride tsunami, 3s, kill guard, w, sw, s, enter Worth about 300k exp at level 10 Kill those slimy lizardmen Lizardmen 8w, 6n, u, w, nw, n, nw, e, nw, w The Wrack and Ruin of Neverland Pirates and Lost boys ride tsunami, 7w, s, 2sw, 2w to Tinkerbelle, e, nw, n, kill birds for thimble, give thimble to Tink, 'fly' Porcine Products Pigs 11w, s, enter balloon Duergar Duergar area 3e, all n, enter, all n, exit, all n, all d Blood in the water Monsters 3e, n, e, n, w, 2nw, enter waterfall, n, enter portal Sanctify by Blood Ashtonbrook guys ride rymalind, n, 5e, se, e, se, ne, n, 9e Blood on the leaves Faeries 7w, 5n, 4w, s (search around for (clearing)), enter circle, n, enter tree Lizard Slayer Lizards ride kyrse, S, 2W, 13N, W, NW, 3W, D, 2W, SW, S, D, E, 2N, dive, 2N, U, N, keep typing n and you will get past guards Cyclops Killer Cyclops sail middle earth, 5e, 2n Worth about 220k exp at level 14 Fight for the Chaldons! Seralonians all w, sw, all s, se, n, e, all s, 2se Fight for the Seralonians! Chaldons all w, sw, all s, se, n, e, all s, 2se, 2e, 2ne, 2e, 2se, all e Massacre in Lilethspar Elves ride dalaria, all e, 4n Worth about 1.4 million exp at level 19 Gypsies Gypsies sail barovia, all e, ne, 7n, w, follow herbs, follow voices (must be done at night) (can "walk through tree' after opening it originally) World War D Zombies sail middle earth, 12e, 2n, e, se, s, 2e, take ferry, 14e, 2ne, 3n, w, nw, 3n (with shovel, dig grave or enter tomb for more) Diamond Troopers Diamond Land worth about 1.6 million exp at level 19+2 Storm Throad Castle Throads 7w, 5n, w, n, ne, 3nw, 2n, enter moat, 3e, ne, 4n, nw, 3w, get hook, 3e, se, 4s, sw, 3w, out, grapple drawbridge, bridge worth about 2 million exp at level 19+2 Kyldiss Assassin Wererats Kyldiss Asgard Asgardians gather residue at fountain, 'place eye in oval' on north side of area where residue glows brightest Desecrate Dealer's Demesne Dealer's Pigs 7w, 5n, 8w, 2n, 3ne, 16n, 3ne, s, e, se, 2ne, nw, e, nw, e, u, enter