Category:Cup of Dreams

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Morgul's Notes

Need pick axe, oil flask, ice axe, torch, and rope, and shovel. Can get everything from Tarmin lodge and Kyrse hardware store

Need extra Ward of Dreams in inventory.

Supplies: ride tarmin, all e enter east lodge

All directions given from the portal/bridge room


-Magdrahan (Ooze, Indigo gem) 4n, search flagstonese, d ,n, 2e, dig crack (x10)(need

pick axe),south search pool for key

This key needs to be repaired by dorrin, he's west from when you go up. You'll need this later.

-Ouroborus (Worm, Green gem) climb, all south

-Sargassra (Beholder, Red gem) See Mage Tower Map

-Amontelik (Manticore, Yellow gem) garden, all nw or so, past daughters

-Lynera (Hydra, Orange gem) temple of spring, sw exit in mushroom turning rooms

-Zsthazil (Mindflayer, Violet gem) lycaeum stage

  • One of the valves needs oil. Can but it ride tarmin, all e, enter east lodge buy flask
  • look in each room as you go for a patch. search patch. This will tell you how to end the quest

2n, all e, ne, 2n, ne, 2n, 5e (Have to give a ward to veritas for the key), s, e, get valve,

w, s, w, search switches, replace valve, turn valve x 2

e, 4n, e, search chamber, turn valve

2w, search rings, turn valve

e, s, w, search pits, turn valve

e, 2s, w, search catwalk, turn valve x 3 all east till you hit the web, climb web to trigger spiders, all e

-Ungoliant (Spider, Blue gem) lycaeum first floor climb web, fight spider, climb web when it runs

Can get this guy on the way to get the Zsthazil, just go up after you trigger the spiders

Circle Rooms

Start at Lycaem entrance

l writing

3e, climb statue, look northern circle, look central circle, look southern circle

d, 3w, l writing, search around for circle rooms, enter circle, kill veritas 3x

He'll bounce out out, go back, pick up soulsbane and cleanse in the rotating mushroom rooms, se exit

Cup of Dreams

Go to the graveyard, and all s

kill the mages

dig crypt, open crypt, enter crypt

give wererat corpse to the chick

choose dragon, mage, or knight

play game

Have to win 5x and you'll get the cup. Bitch will bounce you out to the other side of Kmart, or summon an assassin

if you lose. Also takes some time because eventually she won't be able to carry any more corpses and they have to


Go to the room where you killed Zsthazilthen up. The veil will pulse a color, put that color gem in hole.

drink cup, pierce veil, enter in the answer that you found in the patch room

Quest Done


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