Category:Secret of Talisman

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Morgul's Notes

Secret of Talisman created by Kane (30 Points)


The Dragon King has terrorized the lands for far too long. His powers are strong, and his enemies are few. Help rid the world of the Dragon King! The bartender of

that region is said to be very knowledgable of the history...

You need: vial of holy water from cleric guild, a shovel, a crowbar, and lots of heals, and 10k gold in inventory

Suggested Player Level to complete: 20

Talisman, to stop it from being a maze, find NPC with a map, kill it, get map and all of a sudden the whole area becomes like a big rectangle (no more maze code). Before you go into inner ring through DK you need to

1. Get vial of blessed water from church

2. shovel

3. Crowbar

4. Heals to take on lvl 30 red dragon and then some(you can't come back)(expect 300 rounds from him)

5. 10k gold in inventory

Area is devided into outer and inner. Outer starts at tavern and goes in circle. From it you can get to inner area by paying big ass DK something like 5k, or just pay dk and going south.

You are then in inner area. Same map works for both. You don't need to do anything but just have it in inventory.

In outer area. Kill priest and get grail that pops up. Also find any npc with odd looking stone, that is talisman you need to enter dragon tower.

Also, Dig grave where graveyard is, read scroll you find and then I think u should be able to pry boulder in wight room (just one of the rooms has a boulder, not sure 100% which). Problem is I'm not sure how it's triggered, but I've had times where I

had to do other stuff in the quest and come back and do pry boulder cause it was empty before then. So if you get there and it's empty, do other stuff and come back there.

In inner area. Fill grail with blessed water and give to tim, then kill him to get his piece. Dragonslayer allows you to kill it FASTER and also completly. Killing him solves quest.

Then go southish and find nomad, kill him and get his water jug, e/w from him is desert, search dunes or sand in both and u'll find thirsty guy in one of them, give him jug and he

gives you key, with key go to the OTHER desert room (oposite one yer in) and dig sand, open chest, thats 2nd piece. Pry boulder outside should give you 3rd piece. Assemble

dragonslayer. If you found no odd stone in outer area look around and find any npc that might have it in inner area. If u find none, find Ruins room with gremlin. Next part has to be fast!:

Search ruins and get stone right away before gremlin grabs it. Then find room with SW, thats tower, enter it, odd stone dissapears, follow until dragon, wield dragon slayer and kill it.


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