Category:Marble Pit

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Morgul's Notes

Marble Pit created by Magius (10 Points)

Note: This quest does not award exp.

Strange tales of living marbles have been heard throughout the lands. Seek out the true master of the Marble Pit and destroy it.

The marble that holds the center of the throne is considered the strongest and can never turn down a 'challenge'.

Suggested Player Level to complete: 7

If lower level, bring heals, final guy has tons of HP.

Marble Pit is located down, east, enter from CoT

Go to center of marble pit and 'challenge marble'

Kill one each of all 6 marble types (Yellow, Blue, Cyan, Magenta, Red, and Green)

The shrines are in the n, w, e, s, nw, ne, sw, se corners. Just 'place <color> shard in hole' in the appropriate shrines after killing guards.

kill white marble at center of pit, 'search shards', 'get all' after killing white marble. (+10 carry amulet.)

Go all east from center, place white shard in hole at white shrine to complete shrine.

Go w, n to the decaying skeleton in northeast corner and 'look mark'. Note the password there (different for each player)

Go to center of marble pit and say the password. Kill eldritch marble (TONS of hp) and done.


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