Category:Tower of Thalamur

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Morgul's Notes

Tower of Thalamur Quest

items you need to bring for the tower:

  • crowbar
  • shovel
  • torch
  • 2 organs butched from a corpse by a ghoul (optional)

Thalamur is located in northeastern Barovia

Go to the graveyard in city, at se corner, dig grave, search hole.

Go to tower, search door, put stone in hole, open door, enter.

Floor 1:

search painting, pull plate

Floor 2:

e;e;d;w;w;u;n;e;n;w;s;u OR 2e, d, 2w, u, e, n, w, s, u

Floor 3:

sw, search mist, pull lever, e, (2 aggro aramaitama), search urn, w, ne, search walls (or wall), push stone, (3 aggro ghouls), n, unlock gate, open gate, n, 2 necromancers, u

Floor 4:

sw,all w,(to the room with the fluttering papers),search hands,pry hand,climb paper(papers?), up here - look at the wall and find a crack or cracks, search it to get a clock hand.  Go to the fartest eastern room with a sw and s exit, go sw,pry board or pry floor, search hole,ne,s,attach hand to clock, The clock will now

start moving and so will the exits of the room, in the sw there is an intact crate or box, search it to get another hand.  Go to the farthern north room with a statueish thing, attach hand to clock x3, press button, kill the guardian of time and get his key, unlock the door,open it and go up.

Floor 5:

Halls of Earth: get dirt, search statue, pour dirt into hole

Halls of Fire: light white candle, light black candle

Halls of Air: put wood in stove (the wooden board from floor 4 works), light stove, put plate in indentation (the one you pulled from floor 1), light stove, open hatch, press button.

Halls of Water: each room summons a wu jen holding a gem

tap icicle 1

tap icicle 1

tap icicle 1

tap icicle 3

tap icicle 2

tap icicle 2

tap icicle 2

tap icicle 4

tap icicle 3

tap icicle 3

tap icicle 2

tap icicle 2

tap icicle 1

(the order is vaguely hinted on the note guardian of air drops)

ok, now that you have all 4 gems, go to center room, put the gems in  the holes in the correct order.

The order is clockwise from how the rooms are placed:

red, brown, dark blue, bright blue

OR it could be:

brown, dark blue, bright blue, red

but dont worry, if you get it wrong, you can just remove the gems from the holes and try again.  You'll get a message when you do it right, when so kill the guardian that spawns, search plates and press button.  go up.

Floor 6:

ok, another maze - 'listen' until you get a message that a cackling is heard from <dir> - go that dir, in 4th or maybe 5th room you get to look / search the painting hanging on the wall - if hit has marks from a hand on it, touch paintingx2 - if not, keep going until you find this painting.  You'll get sucked in to the

next part of the maze, this is same deal with listen cept here there are witches in each room. keep going til you can go north, kill kreia and go up.

There are multiple sections to this, touch painting twice takes you to a looping room, touch painting once to get to the 3rd section.

Floor 7:

uh..nothing, go up

Floor 8:

kill sion, get his cloak, search cloak, unlock the door, open it and go up.

Floor 9:

kill dah'tiz'counh, but most likely, die trying :) - he has 1 of the gems of ahzak.

Ok, the crypt:

Note: For the crypt you will need 2 organs butchered from corpses by a ghoul

Note: For the crypt you will need 5 corpses. 1 elf, 1 human, 1 dwarf, 1 orc, and 1 ogre

Note: For the crypt you will need a book from the library in thalamur (from square, n, w, retrieve the journal of tzenahk)

enter crypt from the graveyard, ne room: push coffin, d

Down here there are aggro ghouls and zombies everywhere.

se, 3s, sw, search web, 3w, nw, 3n, ne, put gearwheel on stick, pull lever,3e, se, s, d, search rocks or rock, - keep going until you dont find any more small rocks.

go u, s, sw, w, (room with two ghoul statues) - here you need 2 organs from ghouls, multiple way to achieve them, if you have a ghoul you can just create them yourself, you could steal them from ghouls or just kill ghouls until you get them, put 1 organ in each hole in the stomach of the statues, north will open up.

To solve the room you need 5 corpses, 1 elf, 1 human, 1 dwarf, 1 orc and 1 ogre - and a book from the library in thalamur (from square: n,w,retrieve the journal of tzenahk)

'look picture' to get a description on which altar you should place the corpses (upper left point = northwest etc).

read the book and chant <whatever chant it says>

if you did it right Rah'shek will spawn.

(rah'shek is holding the gravespine, the staff you spoke of)

Ok, two choices from here:

1. kill rah'shek and be done with it, you'll then get the second gem

2. help rah'shek with the task he needs done, talk to him for more info.

the task:

go s,w,nw,n, (in this room a dk will burst through the wall and attack you now (he's holding the + combat circlet btw),e,d

here you also have two choices.

1. be a ghost and pass through each force field e,s,w,n, and pull each lever manually

2. throw stone at north lever etc to attempt to hit them with the rocks you have, if you succeed with all of them the down exit will open up.

go down and kill the spider down there, get the sword.

go back to rah'shek and give him the sword, he will now laugh, summon Bellouq and teleport himself away.

So your choice here is practically, either kill Rah'shek or Bellouq - they're both hard, but i'd say rah'shek is a lil harder.

Bellouq is a demon/balrog (he's holding the 2-hsword), but note that the sword you find and give rah'shek isnt good at all,

it doesnt get any specials before you give it to him.

Anyway, when you've killed one of them, you'll get the second gem - give both of them to beorak to complete the quest.

AFTER QUEST IS DONE: You can get Plaguebearer by using skull amulet in thalamur will teleport you to floor 5 directly. Then you listen cackle follow it, search painting guard touch painting kill witches and keep going until you're there shikaku outside his room have the key to the door hidden in the cloaks pocket


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