Category:Shadow of All Night Falling

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Morgul's Notes, which are entirely Orsk's Notes in this case

Shadow of All Night Falling - Orsk Notes

graveyard - one room east of silpion has merrick in it. kill him, and you get tome of auda jibn . if you read it, it says it containts 2 powerful elder incantations you think you could recite. one is all night falling, and the other is something about twilight or something. I can't remember right now. Also, if you try to bury his corpse in that room, it says you would need a shovel to do that properly.

You will need oil flasks, ropes, spikes, pick axe, ice axe, crowbar, and shovel. Get from Tarmin. Get extra spikes, oil, and flasks.

nw room in graveyard is one of the keys for when you climb the columns in the graveyard. THe other key is in se remorhaz room, search nest. These unlock the doors at the top of the columns to the globes. Need to light them to open portal to the dreaming. Light them using deathwatch candles, which are lit by dipping them in the blood bowl in the demon room above xeriz. Most likely need cup of the dreaming to enter the portal. Be careful, candles don't stay lit long then they disappear. Best to clear the entire way first.

Almost entire quest takes place in Kyldiss graveyard. Every single room has something if you search or dig. If you don't find something you probably missed it.

Need to drink from Cup of Dreams from mummy's game before going north from the tomb or it's instant death.

Tome of Auda ibn Jad from Merrick is fake.

To bypass the portal you need protection from the elder death, which basically means all forms of death. You need to perform the ritual of spring over your own corpse worm (bury your corpse in grave at merrik).

There are three dreamings that block the path down to Auda. Nightmare (need to kill lich in maus for essence), Joy & fantasy before you can head down to Auda. I think that the lady idol (on the indianna trap) is fantasy (the door with 10 button lock) hides the third piece. uncertain how to open it however.

For a tome of such ancient power and mystique, you find yourself able to pour

through its contents readily. You think you might be able to recite two Elder


All Night Falling

Autumn Sun Rising

They are powerful enchantments that utilize the energy of an Elder Sign to

twist elements of time and the Dreaming into the waking world.

l artifacts

It is bright, but you can still see.

The artifacts are shown in frightening detail and take the form of many

mundane objects, but of strange dimensions and shapes, a dark bottle, a

twisted ring, a warped tome, a bent sword, a shining shovel...

twisted ring from elder god

warped tome ?

bent sword ?

shining shovel?

dark bottle , caves of megllian?

read book

...And ever since my love so told me of what was to come to pass, I have long dwelt upon the possibilities; for I can not bear that all should be lost to darkness, I can not beleive that this should be the end of our world.

To that end, I have spoken with my Brothers, and we are decided upon a course that shall cost us all dearly and sever us from all we know and love. We shall endeavor to preserve out Order and our Temple, to save a remanent of knowledge and power for the dark days ahead that we may stand against the coming of the night.

I will on the morrow, with the aid of my brothers seek to reeve the Tower from this world and cast us loose into the Dreaming, and then seal the gate behind forever casting us adrift until the One my Love forsaw shall use the knowledge I shall hide to summon us forth once more.

I have quenched the great Lights, and so the Gate is now closed to those who cannot Weave, and if my Love is right, soon there shall be none left who can. I will bind a minor Outer One to guard us. The other fragment of knowledge I shall leave will enable the One to pass the Outer One provided they are willing to sacrifice themselves...

in graveyard maus:

> smash skull

To banish a demi-lich from the realms, you need a mystical talisman of special potency against the lich.

use spike on skull to get essence.

M  S  X  H  P                                                                

step on S You step on the letter S. You are now on row 1.

row 1 = s row 2 = E row 3 = M row 4 = A row 5 = J

take statue

You lift the statue from the altar, grinning in triumph!

The circular dais beneath the statue sinks into the altar. The very ceiling slams down pulping everything in the room. You probably should have replaced the idol with something!

replace idol with statue

You gingerly replace the idol with idol with statue

The circular dais beneath the statue sinks into the altar. The very ceiling slams down pulping everything in the room.

l idol

The small silver statue seems to be that of a recumbant female figure resting on the altar.

search idol

The silver figure sleeps on the altar. It does not appear to weigh more than two or three kilograms.

The dark power of Elder Death shields the Gate of Dreaming from your passage. destroy it ?

XYRON - indianna pit

room 1:

A single symbol is engraved upon the middle panel: &

The top panel depicts a tree in the grip of winter, yet small buds are beginning to sprout on the tree.

A strange silvery script runs along the bottom of the pillar, but you can not read it.

room 2:

A single symbol is engraved upon the middle panel: `

The top panel depicts a tree its leaves falling, to the earth, the golden stone giving its own color to the leaves.

A strange silvery script runs along the bottom of the pillar, but you can not read it.

room 3:

A single symbol is engraved upon the middle panel: @

The top panel depicts a tree its leaves falling, to the earth, the golden stone giving its own color to the leaves.

A strange silvery script runs along the bottom of the pillar, but you can not read it.

room 4:

A single symbol is engraved upon the middle panel: |

The top panel depicts a tree in the throes of summer, its leaves wilting in the blistering sun.

A strange silvery script runs along the bottom of the pillar, but you can not read it.

room 5:

A single symbol is engraved upon the middle panel: ~

The top panel depicts a tree in full bloom, the delicate leaves basking in the summer sun.

A strange silvery script runs along the bottom of the pillar, but you can not read it.

Room 6:

A single symbol is engraved upon the middle panel: *

The top panel depicts a tree in full bloom, the delicate leaves basking in the summer sun.

A strange silvery script runs along the bottom of the pillar, but you can not read it.

Room 7:

A single symbol is engraved upon the middle panel: +

The top panel depicts a tree in the flower of spring, delicate leaves begin to unfurl from small buds.

A strange silvery script runs along the bottom of the pillar, but you can not read it.

Potential button code ? Wildcard characters matching buttons 1 to 10 ? (or perhaps, 7821)

Do they need to be in sequence of autom/winter/summon/spring etc ?


drink cup

You sip from the Cup of Dreams, and feel your existance slipping over into the Dreaming

enter gate

The dark power of Elder Death shields the Gate of Dreaming from your passage.

Orsk just died!


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