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Morgul's Notes

Tynstar created by Strahan (40 Points)


Find Tynstar and kill him.

Suggested Player Level to complete: 18

Note: You need a rope.


1. Enter building (3w, n from small sign on Tsunami Island)

2. Near entrance of the zone, 2n from sign at entrance, room desc rays of light, search cracks, get key

3. n, w, read papers, 'type <password>', d

4. repeat 'swim' until on south shore

5. 3s, w, buy plugs, wear plugs.

6. e, 3n, dive

7. Swim until north shore

8. n, kill man, take boots, wear boots.

9. 2n, w, kill troll, eat corpse, get key

Beware of bad-ass roaming aggro bat in the next step, move fast and you'll be fine.

10. e, all n, all ne, all e, se, all s, all d, s, dive

11. Kill ice serpent (shock damage is nice, immune to fire), d, take key

12. u, n, 2u, all n, kill troll (level 20), all n

13. ne, keep going e & ne into tunnel.

At this point, you either need three characters to pull levers for you, or have to rearrange

steps to do this across multiple boots, alone.

14. Make way through tunnel by pulling levers until end, take key, enter portal

At this point, you should have 4 keys, blue, red, black, and mystical key,

and be back at the Mainland Post Office. You now have all the items you need,

you just need the password to the door.

15a. Go back to small sign.

15b. Buy heals (I bought and used 4 250/250 heals, although I could have gotten by on 2-3)

15c. 3w, 4n, w, d

16. Swim to north shore, all n, all ne, all e

Ensure you have at least 150 hps at this point before going on, the next step did 60 dmg to me.

17. Jump off ledge (literally type "jump off ledge")

18. kiss skeleton

19. lick skeleton

20. put hand in hole

21. pull lever

22. all north, unlock door, open door

23. all north, unlock north door, open north door

23. all north, unlock north door, open north door

25. unlock lock (this will free the dragon, and the dragon will tell you the password)

26. all s, climb, all s, all d, 2s, all up (rope required), all s, follow spiral until door.

27. knock (or ring bell)

28. Wait for person, say password. I have seen "Electra sent me" and "No war" and "Albequerque" and "All men are swine"

29. all d, all s

30. Kill guard (+3 unsubbed, I used one 250/250 heal to get back hp/sp before next room).

31. Next room is Tynstar, who is aggro. He is technically a +1, doesn't really cast offensive,

but is tough like a +4 fighter. He is very hard to hit, but his damage done isn't high

after first bit of the fight. I used three heals, mainly for sp.

32. Quest complete! Go all the way back to get out.

(all n?, all u, all s?, follow spiral around, all n, all d, all n, all u, all n, nw, all w, all sw, all s, dive, rope, e, 4s, 3e to small sign.)


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