Change 6591

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```Originally Posted : Sat Jul 06 19:06:19 2024
Posted by : Raine
Title : Introducing: Racial Subspecies!
The framework for implementing racial subspecies has been implemented.
There is only one currently actively but they will be fleshed out over
time. This allows for us to create groups of somewhat similar races, but
keep the fantasy theme thriving. For example, what's the difference
between a Goblin and a Hobgoblin? What if we toss Bugbears into the mix?
They're all technically Goblin(oids) but are they unique enough from one
another to justify being a full fledged race on their own? What if you
wanted to be made of wood, or metl? Well now we have the ability to
implement unique concepts such as these. If you notice any errors please
message me directly. I will be making a second post as the first
subspecies is actual special in-and-of-itself.