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Morgul's Notes (incomplete, just a record of conversations with NPCS)

ask ardana about ritual

You ask Ardana about ritual.

Ardana laughs rather throatily and stares at you intently. She says: You ask of my ritual? It is simply the way I will become the bride of Sauron. Do not worry that my daughter Morelen will suffer. She willingly will give her soul forth so that I may achieve the dimming of the moon.

ask ardana about morelen

You ask Ardana about morelen.

Morelen is my daughter, and she it is who will participate in the ritual. She will die for the stars.


ask male about ritual

You ask The male Featur about ritual.

The male Featur says: A long time ago, Morgoth asked that my mother bring down the moon, that his creatures may venture forth under complete cover of darkness, unabated in power by foul light stealing their strength. For this, she has planned ever since. For the ritual, to show the Gods that she is committed to the fall of the moon, which blots out the light of her beloved stars, she must sacrifice my sister, Morelen. She, an astrologer born, hesitates not to do this. However, some time ago, after the death of Ungoliant, I heard a voice echo to me in a dream, telling me that the Ritual should not proceed. I have sworn since to bring this Court down, and have been plotting how to do so. I am concerned, however. I believe Taurclax may have some knowledge of my plans. I would ask your help - I must convince my mother that Arduval seeks to betray her.

ask male about arduval

You ask The male Featur about arduval.

The male Featur says: I have long been convinced that Arduval, a fellow astrologer, seeks to betray my mother and take her place as the head of the Court of Ardor, perhaps in order to undertake the ritual himself. There is another in this court who spies for Sauron, I am sure of it, and I think it may be Taurclax. I had some papers a while ago showing proof positive of Arduval's treachery, but they have disappeared. Without those papers I doubt Ardana will act upon any accusation of treachery.

ask male about spy

You ask The male Featur about spy.

The male Featur says: There is a spy in the Court, although I do not yet know who it is.

ask male about betrayal

You ask The male Featur about betrayal.

The male Featur says: While other members of the Court are present to enforce the harmony of the Court, I cannot convince my mother that Arduval seeks to betray her. However, even if there were some way to rid her of their influence, I would still need something tangible to present that shows Arduval's plot.

ask male about laurre

You ask The male Featur about laurre.

The male Featur says: The Lords of the Guilds of elements have been assisting me in my plan. Should I but give the word, they will draw together their forces and assist in overthrowing the Court. It needs a catalyst however, to prevent the ritual from occurring. You should know, I am the Lord of the fifth Guild of Elements - the Void, which represents mind. I have an idea. I think Arduval may be the key.

l paper

The pieces of paper stacked on the desk contain some fairly interesting information. It seems Taurclax has been spying on the Court for Sauron, reporting on the progress of Ardana's plan to bring about the fall of the moon.

take papers

You stretch you hand towards a piece of paper, and instantly it bursts into flame and turns into ash.

read journal

You leaf idly through the journal, not finding much of note, other than odd jottings about ideas Taurclax has for hairstyles and menswear. However, after a while you stumble upon an entry which is rather odd for the fact it is very different to the rest. It says: Have lost the papers. Ard was furious, and thinks treachery may be afoot, although he can hardly accuse others of such a thing. Must watch closely - do not want my own position to be threatened. Papers disappeared while I was visiting Kell. What a sweetie. Lin has been acting oddly since. Wonder if she has anything to do with it.

Ardana says: Arduval is my chief astrologer, and works even now to ensure the moment of our triumph draws near.

ask khelekar about arduval

You ask Khelekar, the Scholar about arduval.

Khelekar says: I have remonstrated with Arduval over the calculations he presented to Lady Ardana. He advised that the polar star would need to lie five degrees over the horizon axis at 3 anno meridium, but forgot to calculate for the effect of gravitational pull of a nearby massive star, which would make it five point three degrees at that time. He was most contrite when I extrapolated the stochastic error he has made in presenting this calculation for verisimilitude. Foreasmuch as one is able to deontologically determine the the intent of the possessor, for one must possess in order to provide, that is the possessor of information presenting egregiously incorrect expostulations that are not clearly labelled as such...

Khelekar continues on for about another five minutes, but you completely lose the train of the conversation. Finally, he comes to an abrupt end and looks stares at you until you start to become uncomfortable.

> ask mage about taurclax You ask Khelekar, the Scholar about taurclax.

Khelekar blushes a deep red and refuses to answer.

l tapestries

The tapestries arrayed around the walls present an interesting history of Ardor. In particular, one tapesty shows two scenes - one in which the spider Ungoliant is draining the power of the Two Trees, and another in which the spider lies dead at the feet of Morgoth, behind whom members of the Court are arrayed with cruel and triumphant expressions on their faces.

l table

The table can seat up to thirty people, although there are currently no chairs in front of it. Perhaps they are brought out only for meetings.

l papers

These papers tell of the perfidious traitorousness of the Lords Taurclax and Arduval, who have been suborned by Sauron so that he might keep a close eye on the progress of the Lady Ardana in her quest to bring about the fall of the moon. The messages indicate that, over time, Sauron's plans have changed at the behest of Arduval, who argued that the time of the ritual would be ideal for Arduval to strike at Lady Ardana, wrest her scepter from her, and complete the ritual himself - both for the glory of Sauron, and to ensure that Lady Ardana does not rise to challenge Sauron himself. Sauron, swayed by this argument, has instructed both Taurclax and Arduval to keep a close eye on the male Featur, having suspicions that Featur has plans of his own to disrupt the ritual. Interestingly, the missives from Sauron seem to indicate that Featur has some kind of protection from Sauron's inquisitive mind and ubiquitous eye.

ask ardana about linsul

You ask Ardana about linsul.

Ardana cackles: Linsul is responsible for the fall, in the main, of the original Court of Ardor. She brought Laurrana to his knees with her seductive ways. Rumour has it she sang him to sleep as he died.

ask ardana about laurrana

You ask Ardana about laurrana.

Ardana says: Laurrana was a man truly to be feared. All the powers of a demigod, and he would not use them to bring about a rule under which none would oppose him. It was this weakness that led Linsul and I to plot his demise.

ask ardana about taurclax

You ask Ardana about taurclax.

Ardana declaims: That snivelling, snotling little emaciated scholarling. He is the creature of Valmorgul, and not one whom I trust. He could have been at my side, and instead he walks the dim darkness with a charlatan fool.

ask ardana about gorthaur

You ask Ardana about gorthaur.

Ardana says: Gorthaur serves me well in the Mumakan areas by taking the place of their elephant God. When the natives become restless, he is not averse to smiting them down to bring them back in line. He is my Lord of Helms.

ask ardana about valmorgul

You ask Ardana about valmorgul.

Ardana says: Valmorgul is Morthaur's Lieutenant, and my Sergeant in the arts of magic. He is a worthy member of the Suit of Darkness.

ask ardana about valkrist

You ask Ardana about valkrist.

Ardana sneers: Valkrist is everything a mighty warrior should be: muscular, honourable, brainless. If an original thought ever comes into his head I shall be astonished. Still, his martial prowess, apart perhaps from Cambragol, is unequaled. And he makes an inventive bed partner. He is my Lord of the Suit of Swords.

ask ardana about cambragol

You ask Ardana about cambragol.

Ardana sneers: That fool! I am sure, had Featur not intervened, that Cambragol could have easily bested Valkrist. Well, he has shown himself to be weak. I am tempted to move him into my Suit of Helms, but he is still without peer in some martial arts.

give papers to ardana

You try to give something to Ardana but the bustle of the court draws her attention away. She will not pay attention to you while certain of her minions are present. Obviously the card deck she holds is holding her attention. She is aware of all the Lords and Ladies inside her court, by virtue of her link to them.

Ardana whispers: Lesh-y, like Mourfuin, is a demon beyond the Pale. While none of his kind are weak, Lesh-y is possibly the most even-tempered demon I have made acquaintance with. He is like an automaton, working tirelessly on items of wonder for the advancement of our cause.

ask ardana about cause

You ask Ardana about cause.

Ardana looks at you in a puzzled fashion, as if unsure why you don't know what the cause is.

ask ardana about mourfuin

You ask Ardana about mourfuin.

Ardana thinks for a moment and says: Of all the members of the Court of Ardor, Mourfuin is the only one I am wary of. He comes from the very depths of Hell itself, and would not be easily trifled with.


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