Category:Army of Durgan
Morgul's Notes
Army of Durgan
Note: Bring an axe and shovel and a hammer
North of Dragonmyrth.
Talk to Cliffn first. 2e, 5s, 2e, n, w, board freighter, 2n, w, nw, n, ne, 8n, kill villager, 2n, enter well, push stone, 2w
Go talk to Berenzin (w, nw of well), kill one of the undead (2n of well, has shovel you need, give him the mark, read sign, talk to him
Diary - appx. 3n, 2nw of well, kill lichlings, kick door, crawl door, search desk, read page (1-9), turn handle, lock handle Note: Do NOT give the diary to Berenzin!
Nails - 'search crates, get all' south of Cliffn
Small rock – 'dig/unearth ground' until you find small rock at Dried up Pond (4n, w of well)
Log – from well, 2s, 2w, at Northwest Corner of Woods, chop tree, get log
Flasks of oil - in chest in ne side, or can buy from berenzin (buy 4)
Talk to Rugnid – s, e, n of well, wants Hammer, nails, and log
>Talk to Alovan (stealthed on main road 2 north of well) – wants food reserves
Hammer – buy 3 from Berenzin
Food reserves - down well, push stone, 2w, nw (nw of Cliffn)
Talk to Cliffn – wants water stopped
> Talk to Habberman (s, w, n of well)- Staff - s, e, n, e, nw, open closet from him, take staff, se, w, s, w, n, give staff to habberman
> Talk to Gastul – e, ne from well – wants Shambler dead – from well, 2e, n, push board, kill shambler (has axe), s, w, ne talk to Gastul
> Lead Berenzin se, e, all n to Durgan, and after berenzin attacks, attack durgan,
> se, open covering, (wait for berenzin to kill everything) nw, sw, open blanket (wait for berenzin to kill everything)
> ne, Touch Altar one, Touch Altar Two, Touch Altar Three
> A possessed Berenzin will appear, kill berenzin, then quest complete