Category:Demonmaster's Curse

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Morgul's Notes

Bring heals, tough opponents. Worth 100k exp at level 19

ride ariston, all e, w, all s, e, 6s into Demon Fort area

3rd Floor South Wall – e, 'worship cross'

5th Floor SW corner - search skeletons, get stone, back to first floor center fountain, put stone in hole

n, kill grutia, eat corpse, get demonstone

worship jaegendar' to get out

put stone in hole at serpent statue (NW)

n, kill Rallak, eat corpse, get demonstone, worship jaegendar

put stone in hole at dragon statue (SE)

n, kill akasha, get demonstone, worship jaegendar

put stone in hole at angel statue (SW)

n, kill killian, he resses and kill him again (tough opponent, level 20), eat corpse, get demonstone, worship jaegendar

put stone in hole at phoenix statue (NE)

kill judas (level 18 nef)



This category has only the following subcategory.