Category:Dragon Amulet

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Morgul's Notes

Note: Use spider, vampire or other to move/intimidate golems in Shard 2 before starting.

To Dragon Island: COT - 13w,sail dragon,ne (Shard dirs from this room)

Shard 1: 2w,2n,w,d,kill all undeads,destroy circle,u,2e,u,w,u,search room,get shard

Shard 2: n,2w,n,all e, move/intim (or kill) golems (they're big),e,kill deathknight,get shard

Shard 3: n,search fountain (until you find key),get key (fast or villager takes), 3n,e unlock door,open door, d,s,w,n,d,3s,2d,w,2s,e, kill guards and dogs, turn wheel,d,s,sw,kill guards, e, kill guards, turn wheel to 41121971, sw, get all, ne, search chair, 4n,u

Now go to the ruins full of illusions (7w,3n,ruins from COT) In ruins: 3e,n,kill illusion,e,kill illusion,e kill man,get hat, 2w, s, 3w, leave

Next stop is Kobold cave on Tsunami Island (ride tsunami,8w,n,w,2n,w,n from COT) Inside caves: n,2e,nw,n,w,sw,w,pull lever,e, ne,e,s,se,3w,sw,s,sw,2w,se,kill darla,get broom

And now it's time to head for Oz (7w,5n,13w,sw,s,3se,3w,enter,nap (from COT) In Oz: exit,3w,2s,4w,sw,2n,kill woodsman,get axe,2s, sw,w,nw,n,ne,n,3w,n,nw,e,nw,e,n,kill monkeys,2n,u,chop door,s, give hat to witch,give broom to witch

The witch will now forge the amulet out of the 3 shards for you, when you got it go to Ailoth and give it to him. (13w,sail dragon,ne,n,2e,s from COT) Done.


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