Category:Gnomes of Tulgey

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Morgul's Notes

7w, 5n,13w, sw, s, 7se, s, 2se, sw, 2w, 3s, kill diablos, 3n, 2e, s, 2e, 2s, e, ne, in, kill diablos, get

notebook, out, sw, w, 2n, 2w, 3s, u, e, give book to dentin (wait), 'say i will take it' (wait), w, d, 3n, 2e, 3s, 2e, s,

kill golem (x3), d, e, unlock door with key, 2e, 2ne, e, ne, search bones, get all, sw, w, 2sw, 2s, sw, kill diablos, wear ring, rub ring, search desk, get key,

get book, read book, portal, ne, n, e, se. (Note: you take damage every round while underwater.)

dive, swim sw, swim d, swim w, swim s, swim d, unlock grate with key, open grate, swim s, swim u, unlock door with key, open

door, e, free gnomes. Done.

Note: To remove ring, buy holy water from nw, n, w, dip ring in vial, remove ring, drop ring

Note: Same goes for the vorpal blade (snicker-snack), but you have to dip blade in vial then quit out/relog.


This category has only the following subcategory.