Category:Orc Slayer
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Morgul's Notes
Orc slayer created by Kane (10 Points)
Note: This quest does not award exp.
The Orc King has definite plans to try to conquer the mainland. It's up to you to stop him!
Suggested Player Level to complete: 5
7w, 5n, 3w, n, kill guard
n, nw, w, n, nw, n, nw, kill cooks, get cleaver.
se, s, se, kill orcs, ne, kill guards, nw, kill guards, nw, kill guards, ne
Go to shaman. Kill him.
Search drawers (not 'drawer')
Push shelf, n, take slayer, search shelf, clean cleaver
s, sw, se, sw, e, se, ne, e, n, 3ne, n, nw, n, ne, nw, kill guards, n, kill guards, nw, kill guards, w
wield TRUE orc slayer, kill king wielding TRUE orc slayer