Category:Stop the Trollocs!
Morgul's Notes
Note: Need to get hunting rifle from hobgoblin leader
Need to get 3 keys to unlock a hidden prison, and kill that guy to get an item to close the portal and talk to perrin.
At the bridge dive in the water, kill 3 aggro npc, 'search stones' to find a bracelet
Swim shore, go 1-2 south, 'search stones' to get the ring
Go s, e give ring to girl, give bracelet to girl, she gives you a painting
Give painting to Cenn Buie, on main road going south, he gives first key
Go all south to Perrin, search teeth
Go up
Look right nightstand, unlock right drawer, get key from drawer
look wardrobe, unlock wardrobe, look cloak, get cloak
look cloak, look right pocket, get key from right pocket (second key)
Get the hunting rifle from hobgoblin leader, in hobgoblin area
Go to sw corner of woods, give rifle to man, wait
He gives third key
If you are in the room with the man and the rifle, go 1 north, 'look prints', 'follow prints' to follow the hidden trail. Go to the end and unlock the three locks.
Open gate, n, kill Demandred VERY HARD (level 35 troll + four level 27 trollocs). He drops a leaf. Take the leaf. Go back to the room with the rifle man.
All e, n. look portal, look leaves, place leaf in hole. Done.