Category:Terror of Tramtris

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Morgul's Notes

Terror of Tramtris created by Krac (40 Points)


Madess and horror has overrun the once flourishing town of Tramtris, west of Khaz Modan. A message from the tavern owner there tells of Dark Riders destroying the town, a Mad King killed by his own men, a missing prince and a failed rescue attempt led by the archbishop.

Suggested Player Level to complete: 16

Worth 190k exp at level 19.

Note: Bring heals, have to solo level 20 demon at the end.

ride dalaria, 6w, n, 4w, talk to niac, n, w, talk to Negdo, 2n, d

in the labyrinth: n, nw, kill overlord, smash chest ,get sign, se ,4e, d, e, s, 2e, n, open door, e ,kill guards, kill

king, get crown, e, place crown on divine shrine, 2w, s, 2w, n, w, u, 2w, s, se, e, kill carvers and scavenger, s, ask snotspill about banner,

give sign to Snotspill, kill Snotspill, kill carvers, get sign, s, 4e, kill goatmen.

now go 4w, 2n, w, nw, n, 2w, s, u, 3s, and talk to Nipep (west of Niac), n, give sign to Negdo,

2n, d, ne, 3e, d, e, s, 2e, n, 2e to the shrine room, place ring on tainted shrine, 2w, s, 2w, n, w, u, e, unlock door,

open door, e, kill butcher, open door, 6w, s, u, 3s, w, search rocks, d, kill surazal (16 nef), enter pentagram

In there is Diablo (lvl 20 demon), kill him and quest complete.


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