Change 6364
```Originally Posted : Thu Aug 18 03:03:52 2022
Posted by : Raine
Title : Gunslinger Balance Wave v4
Replaced the tier 1 talent "small ammo pouch" with "furtive tactics" which
grants silentwalk. Shotgun mastery users get a penalty to silentwalk.
Shotgun users now get a higher bonus to intimidate.
The base cartridge limit is now 30 (up from 20.)
During playtesting you can now "gunslinger reset talents" to clear your
talents. Once it goes live this will be removed.
Talent point acquisition reworked:
The first point is 50k experience.
The 2nd-76th are 100k experience each.
The 77th through 307th are 250k experience each.
The 30th through 732nd are 1 million experience each.
The 733rd through 4482nd are 10 million experience each.
This will probably be adjusted some more, but we'll see how this round
plays out.
Quickdraw damage is slightly different: Pistols > Rifle > Shotgun
Shelling damage is slightly different: Rifle > Pistols > Shotgun
Fan The Hammer damage is slightly different: Pistols > Rifle/Shotgun
Combat rounds should be somewhat normalized (non-action rounds) however
dual pistols should get about twice as many regular combat rounds as the
other two.