Change 3733
Originally Posted : Thu Apr 09 17:36:51 2009
Posted by : Razan
Title : chaos change
Chaos has been changed a bit:
The max damage it can do has been reduced substantially - it might
not outright kill someone with the best roll, but it still
will likely take out most but a high level hero.
Chaos is resisted a bit more now by resistance.
There's now a chance after chaos that no curses will be applied.
The same probability is applied to healing the chaosmage after
a chaos but now he can get healed a bit more than before so it
might pop him back up on his feet.
But even so, even if he healed, he still has a cahnce of dying to
the Chaos himself - and now a geater chance.
Overall a reduction, perhaps only slightly - but increasing
the healing a Chaosmage can get (if he survives the chaos