Change 5466
Originally Posted : Sat Feb 14 00:00:13 2015
Posted by : Trix
Title : Trolls
I found myself in conversation with Zul'jin recently. Zul'jin arguably
being the smartest of the trolls we were talking about new methods he's
been using to train his tribe. So he says to me,
"Trix mon, we be havin' da hardest time 'cause when we be bashed in da
head it be hard to focus on being mad!"
I chuckled politely and he continued.
"Da udda day I bashed muh skull into da middle part of uh ugly hoomin and
his metal skin stuck on muh head mon. At first it made me angry, but den I
got bashed in da skull and I had a head picture about it bein' easier ta
stay mad if us wear da metal skin onda head!"
I pointed to my hat and he nodded while exclaiming "Like dat mon!" I asked
him if there was anything else new he had in the works and he said,
"Lately I feel like us has been takin' da axe hits easier. But us able to
take ALL hits betta now dat we master our guts mon!"
"Guts?" I replied.
"Yeah mon, da guts, backbone, tenacity!"
His use of tenacity shocked me, considering it was the most advanced word
I had ever heard him use.
"Us also been invading us homes so us is betta at smashin bad guys in us
caves," he continued.
I praised him for his cleverness and took my leave. You can only listen to
so much about clawing people to death and the viscera involved.
TL;DR - Trolls can now wear helmets. They also get their intended 20
resistance to cleave (It was only giving them 10 for who knows how long.)
They also now have a +5 terrain mod underground, and they have gained the
skill guts. If you are already a troll, reselect to gin the skill.