Change 817

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Originally Posted : Wed Sep 19 02:02:53 2001
Posted by : Charon

Ok. We hate you.

I say that now so you guys won't accuse it of being a silent conspiracy.
We hate you and we're reducing you because it makes us laugh.

That said, I have made the following change:

From now on, being 'who off' will result in a 25% penalty to any xp you gain
(war or otherwise).

- Yes, you can turn who on right before you kill something and get full xp
- Yes you should go who on before you get your war xp
- No, it will not effect ninjas.

The real reason behind this change has been a growing lack of balls on the
part of players. No one plays ho-on anymore and it's annoying to
players. Especially the pkers who are trying to kill you, but in general
it does very little for the community the mud tries to foster. I don't
expect this to cause any major slow down for xpers (with the possible
exception of chaosmages and some fey) but will instead result in people
being 'who on' while xping.

Hope this doesn't result in any physical threat to my dog.
