Change 968

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Originally Posted : Wed Dec 05 04:02:28 2001
Posted by : Aristotle
Title : automated character removal


This is your advance notice of a major policy change regarding automated
removal of low level characters who do not log in for long periods of

Up until now, there has been no policy regarding this. We have level 1-5
level characters tying up names, who will probably never log back in.
This is an unacceptable situation.

To remedy said situation, we will be instituting an automated removal of
characters levels 1-5 based on the following formula: If you do not log
in for 1 month per level, your character will automatically b deleted.
This only applies to characters under level 6. So, if you're level 3 and
do no lot in for 3 months, your character will automatically be deleted.
None of your other characters will be touched.

As of right now, banished characters will also be removed. So, if you're
a newbie, don't get banished for a long period of time. If you're going
to become a wizard, make sure all of your characters are at least level 6.

This policy change isn't set in stone, and is open to discussion. Again,
the general idea is to free up names tied up by people who enver log in.
It also provides incentive to at least play the characters you make

I welcome feedback about this via mud mail, or feel free to post your
opinions on the suggestion board.
