Vote for Our Mud on TMC!

help > channel > channel

Tsunami has a channel system that allows you to communicate with a
number of other players at the same time.  You can join a specific
channel such as your Jihad Faction channel, or your Class channel
and chat with people that are also on those channels.

The new channel daemon also allows players to register their own
private channels.  See 'help channel player' for more information.

To talk on a channel, simply type the name of the channel followed
by the message you wish to send.  All channel commands can also be
accessed using the 'channel' command.

       channel list                                List channels       
       channel <channel> <text>                    Send a message to <channel>.
       channel <channel> /on  | /off               Turn <channel> on or off.
       channel <channel> /pre | /post <text>       Set pre- or post-fix text.
       channel <channel> /last [<count>]           Show history of <channel>.
       channel <channel> /who                      Show users on <channel>.
       channel on | off                            Turn all channels on or off.
       emote   <channel name> emote <text>         Sends emotes view channel

Player-owned channels allow a PC to create his/her own channel.  The 
name must be only alphabetic letters, it is the name by which you will
refer to the channel.  The long name is optional, but may contain any 
description you like.

    To register a channel:
       player /register <channel name> [<long name>]

    Player owned channels:
       channel <channel> /showadmin                Show online channel admins.

    Channel admins:
       channel <channel> /invite <who> | list      Invite <who> to the channel.
                                                   List all invited characters.
       channel <channel> /banish <who>             Banish <who> from the channel.

    Channel owner:
       channel <channel> /admin <who> | list       Toggle <who> as channel admin.
                                                   List channel admins. 
       channel <channel> /unregister               Remove the channel.

Players are only allowed to join 5 player owned channels at one time.
See also:
    help channel colours
    help channel player 

Nov 03 - Sebastian
Nov 06 - Tomahawk