Who is online right now?
Marisil continues to ruin the game (Arch Wizard)
[80HD | uWu-Tang Clan] Raine (Arch Wizard)
[] Darkpoole (Elder Wizard)
Disdain (Senior Wizard)
Sten the utter novice (Apprentice)
Pub shop Still 2N from Cot (Nosferatu)
Vladimir Montecruz de Montecruz, Law-Giver (Shadowfall Commander)
Lady Sarah Brightman (Phantom of The Opera)
Ezria Starfall (Loremaster of the Realm)
(General) Airmond (Lots 'o F*cking Heads)
Kerafyrm The Sleeper (Ghostly Necrotic Annihilator)
The terrifying visage of Horus on the toilet (Virulent Enslaver)
[Companions] Cenarius (Celestial Claw)
Yurian Strongbow (meditating) (day boon) (Grand Master)
Aara the utter novice (Priest of the Grove)
Hardwood gets real hard! (Fury of the Forest)
[] Asphyxia the mushroom (Magic Mushroom)
Valentinus the Gnostic heretic (The Gnostic Heretic Himself)
-- Online: 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------
Players marked 'unknown' are 'who off' to hide somewhat from their enemies.