Who is online right now?
Marisil continues to ruin the game (Arch Wizard)
[80HD | uWu-Tang Clan] Raine (Arch Wizard)
[] Darkpoole (Elder Wizard)
Disdain (Senior Wizard)
Sten the utter novice (Apprentice)
Pub shop Still 2N from Cot (Nosferatu)
Ezria Starfall (Loremaster of the Realm)
Lady Sarah Brightman has raw earth for sale! (Phantom of The Opera)
(General) Airmond (Lots 'o F*cking Heads)
[Companions] Malkieri - Keymaster of the Underworld [PATRON] (Leonine Killer)
Kerafyrm The Sleeper (Ghostly Necrotic Annihilator)
The terrifying visage of Horus on the toilet (Virulent Enslaver)
Yosh will never reveal the uWu-Tang secret (b (Grand Master of Ancient Knowledge)
Aara the utter novice (Invoker of Nature's Power)
an enlarged version of Del (Master of Anarchy)
[] Asphyxia the mushroom (Magic Mushroom)
Hardwood gets real hard! (rooted) (Fury of the Forest)
Valentinus the Gnostic heretic (The Gnostic Heretic Himself)
-- Online: 18 ------------------------------------------------------------------
Players marked 'unknown' are 'who off' to hide somewhat from their enemies.