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help > hooks > post death

Hook Name :         post_death
Called From :       /obj/living/death.c
Resolution Method : HOOK_VALUES (return values ignored)

Sample Header :

void my_post_death(string tag, object ob, int dam, int type,
                 object killer, object corpse)

Arguments :

tag - "post_death"
ob - The living object that just died
dam - The amount of damage that was done
type - The damage type (FIRE, VORPAL, etc)
killer - The guy who will get credit for the kill (could be 0)
corpse - the corpse generated (could be 0)

Description :

After a living creature dies, but just before his body is destructed,
this hook is called in that body.

See also:


Last modified : 12-June-2002, Alexi