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help > hooks > pre give item

Hook Name :         pre_give_item
Called From :       /bin/living/give.c
Resolution Method : HOOK_OR

Sample Header :

int my_pre_give_item(string tag, object ob, object who, object what,
                     int receiver)

Arguments :

tag - "pre_give_item"
ob - The object this hook was called in, can either be the giver or receiver
who - The other living object involved with the give
what - The object being given
receiver - 0 if "ob" is doing the giving, 1 if "who" is doing the giving

Return Value : 1 to intercept the give, 0 to allow it

Description :

When one living thing attempts to give an item to another living thing
(whether npc's or players), this hook is called twice.  The first call is
made in the one attempting to give the item, and "ob" will be the giver, and
"who" will be the receiver.  The second call is made in the one attempting to
receive the item, and "ob" is the receiver, and "who" is the giver.

If 1 is returned, the give is disallowed, and no messages are displayed,
so you should take care of that yourself.  If 0 is returned, the move is
allowed (unless someone else had a give hook that returns 1).

See also:

post_give_coins, pre_give_coins, post_give_item


Last modified : 2-5-01, Megaboz