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help > skills > band
Skill        :   Band
Class        :   Natives
Cost         :   Passive
Skill Type   :   Passive
Casting Time :   Passive
Difficulty   :   Level 0
Stats Base   :   All
Syntax       :   Passive
Examples     :   Passive

Natives, generally being nomads, gather in bands when hunting for
food, battling a threat, or for a month of pillaging and other such
games.  The ability to band with other natives give them an advantage
when in combat.  The wiser one is at banding, the better he is at
knowing what his party member will do.  This can lead to an
overwhelming assault and total annihilation of unsuspecting victims.
A natives favorite way to kill foul magic users is to band with other
brothers and waylay the offending soul.
To band, a party needs to start with at least two natives.
Barbarians whirlwind on their opponents whenever three party members
are present.  Each other native subclass' bonus when banded is
dependent on that subclass.  One thing true through all subclasses
when banded is that the person that is more healthy will throw
himself into the battle such that he takes more damage than the other
band members.