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help > skills > cinder storm
Skill        :   Cinder Storm
Class        :   Fire Drake
Cost         :   25 spell points
Skill Type   :   Active
Casting Time :   Instant
Stats Base   :   Ember
Special      :   Can only be done in charred terrain after a dragon
                 has sufficently "over chared" the terrain
Syntax       :   do cinder storm [target]
Examples     :   do cinder storm all ants
                 do cinder storm foes

When the land surrounding the Fire Drake has been utterly charred
they can blast the smouldering embers into a storm to further harass
its foes. This quick blast is less damaging than its own fire breath
but covers its foes which  glowing ember which can then be ignited 
with its burning breath.

The change for this skill to activate is partly based upon how "over
charred" an area is and partially upon a drake's hero levels