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help > rituals

Some character classes have the ability to perform rituals.  Many 
factors go into whether or not a ritual is successful.  These include 
the chanter's level in the ritual, the resistance of the target, the 
magical resistance in the room (if any), and use of temporary negative
or  positive modifiers due to other effects.

The syntax to chant a ritual is always:

   chant <ritual> <modifier, if adjustable> <target/location>

Please check help on individual rituals to find out what the exact
syntax is.  Type "help ritual <spellname>" for the specific help.

Skilllevel in the ritual is essentially a percentage change of 
performing the ritual, modified by the factors mentioned above. 
Additionally, 10% is lost from the chance of success for each level of
difficulty of the ritual. So if one had a skill of 120 in an 8th level
ritual, the net chance would be only 40%.

Success can be increased/decreased by spending more spell points when
the ritual (some rituals don't allow this) is performed.

For specific information on sp modifiers: see 'help modifiers'

You can get a list of the rituals and their levels by typing 'rituals'

See also: help perform, rituallist 