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help > rituals > legion
Prayer       :  Legion
Class        :  Diabolist
Cost         :  15 per demon summoned
Casting Time :  5
Syntax       :  pray legion
                pray legion banish

Diabolists are sometimes granted a demonic legion to assist in
their dark journeys.  These demons consist of the lowest ranks of
the overlords brood, so their power is quite minimal.  Even though
these demons are low ranking, they share similar qualities of all
demons, such as fickle nature.  When a demonling feels he has
carried out his required duty, he will abandon his earthly master.
The lords of the diabolist are wont to assign more than one horde
of demonlings to a minion at once.  Whether this be out of fear
of losing power, or a test for the servant, only the dark patron

Diabolists are able to banish the demons they summon if they
so choose.