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help > spells > windwalk
Spell        :   Windwalk
Class        :   Wu-Jen
Sphere       :   Air
Level        :   5
Cost         :   30 (adjusted by modifier)
Spell Type   :   Teleportation
Casting Time :   3 rounds
Syntax       :   cast windwalk <modifier> <name/target>
                 cast windwalk <modifier> setdest <name>
                 cast windwalk <modifier> cleardest <name>
                 cast windwalk <modifier> nuke dests

This spell is a special version of the gate spell for Wu-Jen that
have studied and mastered the magical sphere of Air.  It allows the
caster to transport themselves across vast distances by harnessing
the untapped power hidden within the winds.
See also: help spell gate